Frank Kern 
Last Updated August 5, 2008
Council Name Issue Needs
First CSP Needs Crossroads of America T(band issue) General Sullivan (S1a) Longhorn (SA31) Northern NJ (S2, S3) Robert E Lee (S1a)  Toledo (S1a - CB) Westark (T1 - PB)
Alaska Council Complete?
Blue Mountain Council KRHS("COUNCIL" exist?) KRHS("BLUE MOUNTAIN" mint) RWS(gauze back) RWHS BWS(exist?) R(blue FDL, 2" round) n/c(1969 Jambo maroon, white print) n/c(1969 Jambo light blue) S(2001 Jambo, red r/e)  S(2001 Jambo, GMY r/e) S(2001 Jambo, SMY r/e) S(2005 Jambo, SMY r/e) S(2005 Jambo, BLK r/e) S(2005 Jambo, RED r/e) SA7 S9 SA9 SA10:2 SA11 SA12 SA13 SA16
Cascade Area Council n/c(1964 Jambo, green cloth)
Cascade Pacific Council X(1997 NJ oval) R(2001 Jambo) S(2001 Jambo GMY c/e) S(2005 Jambo GMY r/e) SA12 SA13 SA26 SA27 SA28 SA28:1 SA28:2 SA28:3 SA28:4 SA29 SA32  SA33 SA38 SA39 SA48 SA60 SA61 SA62 SA66 S(Lewis & Clark, dark blue r/e)
Central Washington R(gray c/e)
Chief Seattle A(1985 Jambo, arrrowhead shaped jacket patch -exist?) R(1993 Jambo, blue twill, 'Seattle Washington The Slugs' Troop 921) R(1993 Jambo, Troop 922, mint) R(1997 Jambo, T-702) n/c(2001 bear - exist?) n/c(2001 raven) n/c(2001 dogfish - exist?) n/c(2001 salmon) n/c(2005 NJ frog) n/c(2005 NJ goat) n/c(2005 NJ thunderbird) n/c(2005 NJ halibut) n/c(2005 NJ beaver) T(trop 490, Sequim WA) n/c(Aquilla district) x(Aurora district) n/c(foothills district,teal) nc(foothills district, blue) nc(Chief Kitsap District, CJ 1981) x(northlakes district) J(lake sammish district) nc(lake sammish district) R(lake sammish district)
Columbia Pacific Council Complete?
Crater Lake Council KRHS  RWHS(mint)  n/c(1973 Jambo) S(2005 Jambo, T-714) SA5 SA6 SA9 SA10 SA11 SA14 SA16 SA17 SA19 SA20 SA21 SA22
Evergreen Area RWHS(exist?) KRHS(mint) n/c(1977 Jambo participants) n/c(1977 Jambo staff) 
Fort Simcoe RWS(type 1, thin lettering, mint) R(cabin, dark blue twill, wht r/e, mint)
Grand Columbia SA8 SA11 SA15 SA20 
Grand Teton S(1997 Jambo, SMY r/e) S(1997 Jambo, GMY r/e) S(1997 Jambo, MAR r/e) S(1997 Jambo, RED r/e) S(1997 Jambo, RED Mylar r/e) S(XVIII World Jambo,  yellow r/e. Exist?) S(XVIII World Jambo,  green r/e) S(2001 Jambo Red Mylar r/e) SA2 SA3 SA5 SA6 SA7 S9 S14 S15 SA27 SA28 SA29 SA44 SA56 SA58 SA63 SA65:1 SA68 SA69 SA70 SA78 SA86 SA125 SA131 SA133 SA135 SA137 
Grand Teton                               2006 & 2007 Issues SA141(waterways, gmy r/e) SA151(woodbadge, yellow r/e) SA152(fly fishing, blue r/e) SA153(fly fishing, red r/e) SA157(Teton Park, orange r/e) SA159(Yellowstone, orange r/e) SA171(Oregon Trail Wyoming, GMY r/e) SA173(Oregon Trail Idaho, GMY r/e) SA176(potatoes brown r/e) SA177(potatoes maroon r/e) SA178(potatoes green mylar r/e) SA184(Jamborall, horse, train & helecopter, gmy r/e) SA185(Jamborall, horse, gmy r/e) SA186(Jamborall, train, gmy r/e) SA187(Jamborall, helicopter, gmy r/e) SA188(Blue Badge 100 years of Scouting, Red edge) SA189(Blue Badge 100 years of Scouting, Blue edge) SA190(Blue Badge 100 years of Scouting, SMY edge) SA191(Blue Badge 100 years of Scouting, Blue MY edge) SA192(Cedar Badge Building on the Past, Red edge) SA194(Cedar Badge Building on the Past, SMY edge) SA195(Cedar Badge Building on the Past, Blue MY edge)... plus the new issues
Great Alaska S(gold r/e, bear to the right - not the charter member issue)
Idaho Panhandle RWS(thin lettering, mint) X(hat shape, blue c/e, diagonal stitch) KRS(exist?) 
Inland Empire Council KRHS RWS('WASH' - exist?)
Inland Northwest Council X(2005 Jambo, n/c patch) S(2005 Jambo, T-104, BLU r/e)  S(2005 Jambo, T-104, GMY r/e) S(2005 Jambo, T-104, RED r/e) TA3(popcorn, gold r/e) S(alumni, gmy r/e) SA18:1 SA21 SA25 SA31 SA38 SA46 SA48 SA50 SU-E SU-J 
Lewis Clark Council RWHS  TA3:1
Midnight Sun P(n/c patch, twill, c/e) SA10 BA5a BA5b BA5c BA5d BA5f BA5g S(2005 Jambo issue) S(like SA11, but with a gmy r/e - part of OA 549 jacket patch set) S(like SA11, but with a smy r/e - part of OA 549 jacket patch set) S(2001 NJ) S(NY LT)
Modoc Council S1(BLU not PUR mountains) WBHS(exist?) RWHS(exist?) BWHS  (RWS wide lettering, type 2 mint)
Montana n/c(1977 Jambo issue) n/c(white with skull) SA5 SA6SA7 SA8 SA9 SA10 SA11 SA12 SA13 SA14 SA15 SA16 SA17 SA18 SA19 SA20 SA21 SA22 SA23 SA24 SA25 SA26 SA27 SA28 SA31 SA32 SA38 SA39 
Mount Baker R(2001 jambo, panther patrol) R(2001jambo, black lightning patrol) R(2001 jambo, Sea Monkey patrol) R(2001 jambo, Stud Bolt Patrol) X(2001Jambo, Wolverine Patrol oval) S("Trustworthy", gmy r/e) S("friendly", gmy r/e)
Mount Baker Area BWHS("MT. BAKER" on wool, mint) KRHS(mint) RWS("MT.") n/c(1993, red with whale design) 
Mount Rainier KRHS("Council") KRHS("MOUNT RAINIER" mint) RWHS(no period, close letter spacking - exist?) RWHS(no period, wide letter spacking - exist?) RWHS(with period, close letter spacking - exist?)  RWS("WASH" - exist?) RWS("WASHINGTON" wide letter spacing - exist?) WBS("WASH" - exist?) X(1993 Jambo, pocket patch - exist?) A(1985 Jambo, arrrowhead shaped jacket patch -exist?)
Mountainview R(felt, mint) RWS
North Central Montana R(woven, solid red indian head) RWHS(mint)
North Central Washington R(black twill - exist?) A(1985 Jambo, arrrowhead shaped jacket patch -exist?)
Olympic Area WBS(exist?) n/c(yellow cloth, brown print) n/c(yellow cloth, green print) n/c(yellow cloth, commissioner staff) nc(So Ki  No Ma district)
Oregon Trail Council X(hat shape, with brown FDL - exist?) n/c(1969 Jambo) n/c(1985 Jambo) S(1997 Jambo – large, RED r/e) S(1997 Jambo – large, YEL r/e) J(2001 Jambo issues) S(2001 Jambo, GMY r/e) X(2005 Jambo jacket patch)  S(2005 Jambo, RED r/e) S(2005 Jambo, GMY r/e) S(2005 Jambo, WHT r/e) SUB SA25 SA31 SA33 
Ore-Ida KRHS RWHS(mint) S(XVIII World Jambo, chile) S(1999 WJ Chile WHT r/e - exist?) SA8 SA14 SA16 S25 SA27 SA28 S30 SA38 SA44 SA53 SA60 SA61 SA63 SA64
Pacific Harbors n/c(2001 Jambo) R(2001 Jambo, jacket patch) TU-A TU-B S(lewis & clark camporee, blue) S(lewis & clark camporee turquoise) S(missing "s" in "Harbors") SA30(2004 NOAC)
Portland Area Council KRS(exist?) KRHS("White Eagle" district) BGHS("Lewis & Clark" district) Felt District Patches: Oregon Trail round, Mount Hood round, Mount Hood oval, Hudson Bay, Ne-Ka-Mas rectangle, Covered Wagon triangle
Snake River S(XVIII World Jambo, yellow r/e)
Snake River Area RWS(no states) n/c('64 Jambo, mint) n/c(1967 World Jambo) S('85 Jambo,  exist?) 
Southeast Alaska S(2005 national jamboree JSP)
Tendoy KRS(exist?) RWHS(mint) RWS(Thin letters, mint) S(1993 Jambo, YEL r/e) T2b 
Teton Peaks KRHS("TETON PEAKS", tan cloth) KRHS("TETON PEAKS", green cloth) KRHS("TETON PEAKS COUNCIL") RWS(thick letters, mint)
Tumwater Area TU-B(mint only) n/c(1985 Jamboree) A(1985 Jambo, arrrowhead shaped jacket patch -exist?)
Twin Harbors Complete?
Vigilante RWS(type 1) n/c(white "7-7-77")
Western Alaska n/c(blue cloth, yellow trim) S(2003 Jambo, smy r/e) R(2005 Jambo, jacket patch) n/c(1989 NJ neckerchief) T3(black letters: ok, is this really dark navy blue?) S(woodbadge "W1-610-91")
Western Montana KRHS RWS(Type 1, mint) R(felt with goose, mint) R(felt with red cross) R(twill, 77mm, mint)                       R(twill, 50mm, mint) X(hat shape, white twill - exist?)
Yakima Valley Complete?
Yellowstone Valley KRHS(mint) RWHS(mint) RWS(mint) n/c(with round CP design)
Oregon n/c(Oregon troop 751, 1977 Jambo, red n/c 1977 jambo design) S(1995 WJ, gray r/e)
Regional JSP's S(XIX World Jambo, Western Region Venturing JSP) S(1999 World Jamboree, troop 303) S(XX World Jamboree Western & NE Region JSP) S(XV World Jambo, Troop 734, blue r/e western region) S(XV World Jambo, Troop 734, red r/e western region) X(16th World Jambo, Western Region, blue twill inner boarder, black r/e, diamond shape)
Military Strips KRHS(McChord) RWHS(Bangor N A D) RWS(FT. LEWIS, mint)
Council Name Needs (RWS, RWHS, BWS, WBS, KRS, KRHS, CP, JCP, etc) Admiral Robert E Peary, Alexander Hamilton, Appalachian Trail, Berkshire, Bethleham Area, Broward County, Calvin Coolidge, Chattanooga, Columbiana County, Dade County, Delaware, Englewood – Lenape,  Evanston North Shore Area, Fenimore - Cooper County, Fitchburgh Area, Flaming Arrow, Fort Hamilton, Fort Worth Area, Gitche Gumee, Great Plains Area, Guam Council, Hampden, Iowa River Valley, Kettle Moraine, Lake Of The Ozarks, Lawrence County, Lone Star, Louisville, Massasoit, Mesquakie Area, Mid-Valley, Moline, North Star, Northern Kentucky, Ononi - Cort, Pomperaug, Quannapowitt, Ridge Area, Roanoke Area, Sabine Area, Salt Lake Area, Sekan Area, Sherman Area, Southeast Alabama, Southern Indiana, State Line, Tomahawk, Tulsa County, Uncle Sam, Valley, Valley Trails, Wachusett, Warren County, West Central Florida, West Georgia, Worchester Area
Council Activity Needs Charleston Area, Cimarron Valley Area, Decatur Area, Elkhart Area, Minneapolis Area, Mishawaka,Saint Joseph Valley, South Bend, Sussex County
Troy Area, Western Kentucky Area
OA Name Needs: 32 Tahawus, 155 Michikinaqua, 161 Ne-Pah-Win, 246 Wakoda, 256 Deer Rock, 261 Missituck,  304 Miwok, 322 White Fang, 370 Massasoit, 418 Nick Stoner, 525 Pachachoag, 542 Kiminschi
Questionable Name Needs 51 Osage, 69 Tribe Of Mazasha, 71 Na-Tasi-Hi, 73 Ay -Ashe, 75 Miami, 96 Tesomas, 103 Juniata, 195 Ma-Ta-Cam, 207 Stanford, 229 Chawtaw, 239 Suriarco, 334 Wa-Hu-Hu, 339 Tana-Wis-Qua, 411 Unalachitigo, 422 Acorn
Region 11 Patch Needs X(felt rain cloud) R(red felt) R(1949 Spokane Air Camp) R(1946 Air Scout Encampment) x(black dome with round letter 'o') R(regatta, white twill, 16 gold rays), R(1962 regatta, exist?) R(1964 regatta, compass design, exist?) x(red 1935 shoulder flash - need several) x(1937 National jamboree shoulder ribbon, need many) n/c(full square) n/c(7th national jamboree band) 
Camp Patches & n/c's I collect all camp patches and neckerchiefs from AK, ID, MT, OR, WA